Why Go PFAS-free?

Why are firefighters asking for PFAS-free PPE/gear?

This is an important question and we have some perspectives on why firefighters should have, at the very least, the option to choose PFAS-free gear. Read more below and grab some key message points for speaking to your department or towns/cities.

Why are some firefighters asking for PFAS-free PPE/turnout gear?

  • The use of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in turnout gear poses a problem for both firefighters and the communities in which they live.

  • PFAS are associated with liver damage, thyroid disease, developmental issues, reduced fertility, high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression, and cancer.

  • Recent research has shown that significant quantities of PFAS are shed from firefighter gear, and are being absorbed into their bodies.

  • In 2019, more than 75% of line-of-duty firefighter deaths were from occupational cancer. (via IAFF)

  • PFAS-free gear eliminates PFAS released during the life cycle of the gear.

    • Production, manufacturing, wear/use, end-of-life (landfill, training, sent to emerging nations).

  • PFAS-free gear reduces the PFAS chemicals that come off the gear during each wash and go directly into our water treatment facilities.

  • PFAS-free gear reduces the PFAS dust exposures in the firehouse.

  • PFAS-free gear eliminates PFAS exposure to anyone who is given retired turnout gear.

  • PFAS-free gear reduces the exposures that family, friends, and community members could face from handling gear, storing gear in family vehicles, or attending public functions while wearing gear.

  • PFAS-free gear supports environmental stewardship by limiting nonessential uses of PFAS to minimize human and environmental exposures.

    • **Note: PFAS are nicknamed ‘forever chemicals’ because they will remain here long after humans are gone. If all 1.2M firefighters switched to PFAS-free gear, that would substantially lower the planet’s burden.

    • Resource: EWG’s PFAS in Firefighting Timeline